
Our mission is to provide basic necessities at no cost to those in need.
We are a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization.

Caring hearts throughout our community provide donations of clothing, hygiene products, furniture, appliances, infant and household items that are given to those in need free of charge. These items and community resource referral are provided to an average of 350 people each month who live in Waukesha, Washington, Dodge or Jefferson County.   

To find out how you can help or how we can help you, please watch the video below, or click on our “How You Can Help” or “Client Information” tabs.

Testimonials on How LCC Impacts People
Clients Donors Volunteers
“I was unemployed and helped my church deliver donated items to LCC. After talking with a volunteer, I realized that this organization could help me by providing clothing for my children. What a blessing.” “I always save my donations for LCC because they give everything away for free.” “I have been involved with LCC for five years; love the people and the mission!”
“Everyone is so nice and treats you with respect.” “I donated my old bedroom set to LCC because I knew they would find it a new home.” “Volunteering gives me a chance to give back!”